DNM Stereo Solid Core Interconnect cable selling at per meter !!

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The listing is for UK-made high-end DNM Stereo Solid Core Interconnect Cable. DNM is a ultra high-end and highly respected audio manufacturer. DNM cable is designed with a full understanding of cable science. To understand more about DNM cables please go to their website. For this listing, here is a bulk wire of DNM Stereo Solid Core Interconnect Cable for a certain project. Since the project was stalled these DNM cables are to be selling here at a good price. The quantity is limited( only 45 meters or so), so please seize the precious moments when they are still available.

We are selling at a price per every meter. Each per unit length has four solid core copper wires running in parellel for stereo application.

We do air shipping worldwide( EXCEPT BRAZIL) at US$6.50.