Mosfet high power 100W pure class A amplifier thick PCB turbo V3 stereo !!

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Note on 11th March 2014: We have launched the revised & improved version. We received some comments from users and this in this version, we have added more vias from the top to the bottom side - see the highlighted areas in the pictures below - to make the conduction better for the high current traces !! The highlighted yellow circles are just marked in the below picture for illustration. Actual board has no those circles.

This is the bare PCBs of a stereo class A MOSFET power amplifier( a set of 2 pieces) , with reference to F5 turbo V3. For those who prefer original F5 please check our item 320604151460 which is a kit, item 220585975213 or 320734638102 for the bare PCBs)

While the original F5 uses one pair of output MOSFET only, F5 turbo V3 uses four pairs of power MOSFET per channel. Furthermore, the addition of high speed diodes along the source resistors give the output stage incredible driving capability. The amplifier can deliver 100Wrms into 8 ohm class A and 200Wrms into 4ohm at class AB. The amplifier can drive any speaker load in reality and for normal speakers, this capability means it has lots of headroom before to stress the amplifier. The last picture showed the board being implemented. Courtesy of one of the customer who shared with us his picture.

This is a listing for 2 pieces of amplifier PCB. Each piece is used to build one amplifier channel so two pieces can be used for stereo application.

PCB thickness : 2mm. Copper thickness : 75um( 4 times normal thickness !!!)

Dimension : 280mm x 40mm

We provide schematic and part list to buyers by EMAIL.

We do air shipping worldwide at US$6.00.