JFET input high speed stereo preamplifier PCB Mimesis 27

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Note on 3 Sept 2-15 : This new batch of boards are made of 2.0mm thickness thus less vibration and better sound !

This is the bare PCB of an ultra high-end pre-amplifier. The pre-amplifier is with reference to Goldmund Mimesis 27 which is ranked as one of the best preamplifier in solid state amplifier league.

The board features star grounding for best hum and noise performance. The original design features an encapsulated modular structure for proprietary reason. In our incarnation, we integrated the amplifier sections onto one board for shortest path and minimal contact resistance for best reliability and sonic performance. 

As in the original design, integrated rectification, power filtering and dedicated low impedance low noise regulator are included on one board. 

Supply voltage : AC 40Vx2  to 45Vx2, 0.5A


This is a bare PCB for a stereo pre-amplifier.We provide schematic, part list and adjustment procedure by email ( attached to the shipment notice on the item posting day). The assembled board pictures are for reference only.


This is a huge PCB of premium quality.


PCB dimension : 249mm x 165mm.


PCB thickness : 2.0mm, 2 oz ( 75um thickness !!) copper deposition.



We do air shipping worldwide at US$8.00. We welcome combine shipping.